Results for 'David Lloyd Dusenbury'

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  1.  36
    Platonic Legislations: An Essay on Legal Critique in Ancient Greece.David Lloyd Dusenbury - 2017 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book discusses how Plato, one the fiercest legal critics in ancient Greece, became – in the longue durée – its most influential legislator. Making use of a vast scholarly literature, and offering original readings of a number of dialogues, it argues that the need for legal critique and the desire for legal permanence set the long arc of Plato’s corpus—from the Apology to the Laws. Modern philosophers and legal historians have tended to overlook the fact that Plato was the (...)
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    Carl Schmitt on Hostis and Inimicus: A Veneer for Bloody‐Mindedness.David Lloyd Dusenbury - 2015 - Ratio Juris 28 (3):431-439.
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    Platonic Legislations. An Essay on Legal Critique in Ancient Greece, written by David Lloyd Dusenbury.David Mirhady - 2019 - Polis 36 (1):181-182.
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    Platonic Legislations: An Essay on Legal Critique in Ancient Greece, written by David Lloyd Dusenbury.Richard Stalley - 2018 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 12 (2):179-182.
  5.  11
    [Book review] in defence of liberalism. [REVIEW]David Lloyd Thomas - 1990 - Ethics 100:676-677.
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    Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Locke on Government.David Lloyd Thomas - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    John Locke is one of the most important figures in the history of political thought. His Second Treatise on Government was one of the most significant political statements of its time and provides the foundations of liberal political thought. His views on the social contract, political obligation, rebellion, revolution and property remain strikingly relevant today. Locke on Government introduces and assesses: * Locke's life and the background to the Second Treatise on Government *The text and ideas of the Second Treatise (...)
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    The Early Christian Origins of Secularization.Eric Hendriks-Kim - 2023 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2023 (202):155-157.
    ExcerptDavid Lloyd Dusenbury, The Innocence of Pontius Pilate: How the Roman Trial of Jesus Shaped History. London: Hurst Publishers, 2021. Pp. 272. The Innocence of Pontius Pilate by David L. Dusenbury of the Danube Institute is a profound reflection on the differentiation of secular and religious authority that should excite theologians, historians, believers, as well as historical sociologists. The point of departure is the question of the innocence or guilt of Pilate, the Roman magistrate who condemned (...)
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  8. Argument.David Dusenbury - 2017 - In David Lloyd Dusenbury (ed.), Platonic Legislations: An Essay on Legal Critique in Ancient Greece. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  9. Socrates’ Execution and Platonic Legislation.David Dusenbury - 2017 - In David Lloyd Dusenbury (ed.), Platonic Legislations: An Essay on Legal Critique in Ancient Greece. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  10. The Flux of Law and the Second Platonic Law-Code.David Dusenbury - 2017 - In David Lloyd Dusenbury (ed.), Platonic Legislations: An Essay on Legal Critique in Ancient Greece. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Researching School-Based Teacher Education.David Blake, V. Hanley, M. Jennings & M. Lloyd - 1996 - British Journal of Educational Studies 44 (2):225-226.
  12. Living systems - autonomous unities.David Russell & Lloyd Fell - unknown
    The question which is never entirely resolved is: what is life? Biology, claims to stand for the study of life and living things, yet we would say that it cannot make a thoroughly clear distinction between living and non living, except in some very obvious cases. There are textbook definitions, of course, based on certain notable properties such as the ability to metabolize or reproduce, but these are arbitrary. If we are familiar with the characteristics of a particular animal or (...)
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  13. An introduction to “Maturana's” biology.David Russell & Lloyd Fell - unknown
    Our passion for this work arose in very different histories of living, but these histories converged some years ago around the writings of Humberto Maturana1. There were other reasons for us getting together, but it was the ideas of Maturana which inspired us both to take another look at the way we were doing things in our research and education, respectively. One of us (Lloyd) was grappling with basic biological questions which arose from research on the physiology of stress. (...)
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  14.  30
    Anchoring effects of trait range in impression formation.David D. Simpson, Thomas M. Ostrom & Lloyd R. Sloan - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (6):383-384.
  15.  3
    For an Aesthetics of Resistance.David Lloyd - 2024 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 33 (67).
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  16. Stress, epistemology and feedlot cattle.David Russell, Alan Stewart & Lloyd Fell - unknown
    My occupation is applied research and - funding arrangements being the force which drives such work - I am working with feedlot cattle at the moment. I have to find out whether they are unduly stressed and, if so, how to relieve it; also how much and what type of shade they require, and what are acceptable criteria of animal welfare. Like most research scientists, I also have a personal hobbyhorse which I can weave into my work. It is that (...)
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  17.  21
    (6 other versions)Blue Chip Review.David Post & Lloyd Kurtz - 1995 - Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility 9 (6):52-52.
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  18. Biology's room with a view.David Russell & Lloyd Fell - unknown
    The diverse papers which make up this book are variations on a theme which is based in biological science - yet none of the contributors is really a biologist. Our metaphor for describing what we are doing here is that we have gathered together in a room because that particular room provides us with a certain view of our individual areas of interest - a view that may have been previously obscured. We are visiting the house of biology in the (...)
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  19. Non traditional R &.David Russell & Lloyd Fell - unknown
    Uncertainty about funding; difficulty in determining research priorities ; and concern about technology transfer (the lack of application of research results): these words stand out in the language of scientific/industrial research and development, today. So called technology transfer seems to be the central issue because the criteria for determining research priorities and funding decisions are mostly based on the expected "pay off", i.e. the economic benefits which will result from the research findings being put into use within the industry. This (...)
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  20.  19
    Why Higher Working Memory Capacity May Help You Learn: Sampling, Search, and Degrees of Approximation.Kevin Lloyd, Adam Sanborn, David Leslie & Stephan Lewandowsky - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (12):e12805.
    Algorithms for approximate Bayesian inference, such as those based on sampling (i.e., Monte Carlo methods), provide a natural source of models of how people may deal with uncertainty with limited cognitive resources. Here, we consider the idea that individual differences in working memory capacity (WMC) may be usefully modeled in terms of the number of samples, or “particles,” available to perform inference. To test this idea, we focus on two recent experiments that report positive associations between WMC and two distinct (...)
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  21.  12
    Under representation: the racial regime of aesthetics.David Lloyd - 2019 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Under representation -- The aesthetic regime of representation -- The pathological sublime: pleasure and pain in the racial regime -- Race under representation -- Representation's coup -- The aesthetic taboo: aura, magic, and the primitive.
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  22.  39
    Kantian and Utilitarian Democracy.David A. Lloyd Thomas - 1980 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 10 (3):395 - 413.
    It has been claimed that decisions reached democratically have the consent of those subject to them. It will be shown that arguments for this view rest on either a Kantian or a utilitarian conception of consent. When the distinct nature of these arguments is kept clearly in mind, it becomes apparent that little remains of any of them. Nothing remains of the argument based on the Kantian conception, at least in so far as it is used to support the view (...)
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  23. Ancient wisdom and contemporary ecological problems.David Russell, Alan Stewart & Lloyd Fell - unknown
    The Australian Aborigines' environmental culture and the "double bind" approach used in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous are considered as a source for the generation of a new strategy for dealing with the ecological problems of our day. The strategy aims at achieving a negotiated outcome in issues of high societal risk related to waste management in the Hawkesbury region of Sydney, Australia.
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    Introduction.David Lloyd - 1999 - Topoi 18 (1):1-12.
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  25. The Physiological Sublime: Pleasure and Pain in the Colonial Context.David Lloyd - 2009 - In Daniel Carey & Lynn Festa (eds.), The Postcolonial Enlightenment: Eighteenth-Century Colonialism and Postcolonial Theory. Oxford University Press.
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  26. Intuitionistic Logic and Elementary Rules.Lloyd Humberstone & David Makinson - 2011 - Mind 120 (480):1035-1051.
    The interplay of introduction and elimination rules for propositional connectives is often seen as suggesting a distinguished role for intuitionistic logic. We prove three formal results concerning intuitionistic propositional logic that bear on that perspective, and discuss their significance. First, for a range of connectives including both negation and the falsum, there are no classically or intuitionistically correct introduction rules. Second, irrespective of the choice of negation or the falsum as a primitive connective, classical and intuitionistic consequence satisfy exactly the (...)
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  27.  7
    Beckett: On.David Lloyd - 2024 - In Michael Krimper & Gabriel Quigley (eds.), Beckett Ongoing: Aesthetics, Ethics, Politics. Springer Verlag. pp. 15-35.
    It is in the formal procedures and their rigorous logic, not in any contingent eventuality in Beckett’s life or acts, humanly fascinating as they may be, that we must look for the political, ethical, and even aesthetic implications of his oeuvre. Politics is above all the domain of expression and of representation, undergirded alike by the notion of an integral voice that gives utterance (outerance) to an inward essence, whether conceived as interest or identity. Neither what he experienced nor what (...)
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    Lifesharers: An "opting in" paradigm already in operation.Steve P. Calandrillo, Lloyd R. Cohen & David J. Undis - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (4):17 – 18.
  29.  26
    Redox rhythmicity: clocks at the core of temporal coherence.David Lloyd & Douglas B. Murray - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (5):465-473.
    Ultradian rhythms are those that cycle many times in a day and are therefore measured in hours, minutes, seconds or even fractions of a second. In yeasts and protists, a temperature‐compensated clock with a period of about an hour (30–90 minutes) provides the time base upon which all central processes are synchronized. A 40‐minute clock in yeast times metabolic, respiratory and transcriptional processes, and controls cell division cycle progression. This system has at its core a redox cycle involving NAD(P)H and (...)
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    Diagnostic Dilemmas in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Philosophical Perspectives.Christian David Perring & Lloyd A. Wells (eds.) - 2014 - Oxford University Press.
    Within child and adolescent psychiatry, there are a number of potential dilemmas pertaining to diagnosis, treatment, the protection of the child, as well as the child's own developing intelligence and moral judgement. Diagnostic Dilemmas in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is the first in the IPPP series to explore this highly complex topic.
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    Truth unchanged, unchanging.David Martyn Lloyd-Jones - 1993 - Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books.
    Scrutinizes views that elevate mankind, emphasize sincerity instead of truth, and question the simplicity of the gospel. Shows how the unchanging truth of God's Word must guide our thinking.
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  32. Cases in medical ethics and law.David Lloyd - 2005 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Heather Widdows & Donna Dickenson.
    This interactive independent teaching and learning tutorial can be used by individuals or small groups and takes a problem-based-learning approach to the complex legal and ethical issues raised by six scenarios. Based on real cases clearly demonstrating the problems arising from recent medical advancements, the cases cover reproductive technology, consent, genetic screening, participation in research trials, paternity and confidentiality. Additional features of the CD-ROM are a comprehensive glossary, cross-references to The Cambridge Medical Ethics Workbook and definitions from the Dictionary of (...)
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  33.  18
    County Grammar School: A History of Ludlow Grammar School through Eight Centuries against Its Local Background.David J. Lloyd - 1979 - British Journal of Educational Studies 27 (2):168-169.
  34.  33
    Implications of synaesthesia for functionalism: Theory and experiments.Joe Gray, Susan Chopping, Julia Nunn, David Parslow, Lloyd Gregory, Steve Williams, Michael J. Brammer & Simon Baron-Cohen - 2002 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 9 (12):5-31.
    Functionalism offers an account of the relations that hold between behavioural functions, information and neural processing, and conscious experience from which one can draw two inferences: for any discriminable difference between qualia there must be an equivalent discriminable difference in function; and for any discriminable functional difference within a behavioural domain associated with qualia, there must be a discriminable difference between qualia. The phenomenon of coloured hearing synaesthesia appears to contradict the second of these inferences. We report data showing that (...)
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    War After September 11.Benjamin R. Barber, Lloyd J. Dumas, Robert K. Fullinwider, William A. Galston, Paul W. Kahn, Judith Lichtenberg & David Luban - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    War After September 11 considers the just aims and legitimate limits of the United States' response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
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  36. John Dewey, Lloyd Morgan et l’avènement d’un nouveau naturalisme pragmatico-émergentiste.David Doat & Olivier Sartenaer - 2014 - Philosophiques 41 (1):127-156.
    David Doat ,Olivier Sartenaer | : Peut-on raisonnablement penser qu’un même phénomène naturel, comme l’esprit par exemple, puisse en même temps être continu et discontinu avec les processus physico-chimiques qui conditionnent son advenue au monde ? Autrement dit, est-il possible de construire une philosophie de la nature qui rejette simultanément la dichotomie métaphysique et la pure identité, c’est-à-dire qui se situe sans contradiction sur la ligne de séparation entre le dualisme et le matérialisme ? En y répondant par l’affirmative, (...)
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    Laboratory sample turnaround times: do they cause delays in the ED?Dipender Gill, Sean Galvin, Mark Ponsford, David Bruce, John Reicher, Laura Preston, Stephani Bernard, Jessica Lafferty, Andrew Robertson, Anna Rose-Morris, Simon Stoneham, Romelie Rieu, Sophie Pooley, Alison Weetch & Lloyd McCann - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (1):121-127.
  38.  39
    Memory under anesthesia: Evidence for response suppression.Alan S. Brown, Michael R. Best, David B. Mitchell & Lloyd C. Haggard - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (3):244-246.
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    Evaluation of nurse‐led discharge following laparoscopic surgery.Lisa Graham, Christopher P. Neal, Giuseppe Garcea, David M. Lloyd, Gavin S. Robertson & Christopher D. Sutton - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (1):19-24.
  40. Parts and Partitions.Lloyd Humberstone - 2000 - Theoria 66 (1):41-82.
    Our object is to study the interaction between mereology and David Lewis’ theory of subject-matters, elaborating his observation that not every subject matter is of the form: how things stand with such-and-such a part of the world. After an informal introduction to this point in Section 1, we turn to a formal treatment of the partial orderings arising in the two areas – the part-whole relation, on the one hand, and the relation of refinement amongst partitions of the set (...)
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    COVID‐19 and Religious Ethics.Toni Alimi, Elizabeth L. Antus, Alda Balthrop-Lewis, James F. Childress, Shannon Dunn, Ronald M. Green, Eric Gregory, Jennifer A. Herdt, Willis Jenkins, M. Cathleen Kaveny, Vincent W. Lloyd, Ping-Cheung Lo, Jonathan Malesic, David Newheiser, Irene Oh & Aaron Stalnaker - 2020 - Journal of Religious Ethics 48 (3):349-387.
    The editors of the JRE solicited short essays on the COVID‐19 pandemic from a group of scholars of religious ethics that reflected on how the field might help them make sense of the complex religious, cultural, ethical, and political implications of the pandemic, and on how the pandemic might shape the future of religious ethics.
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    Deliberate Introductions of Species: Research Needs.John Ewel, Dennis O'Dowd, Joy Bergelson, Curtis Daehler, Carla D'Antonio, Luis Diego Gómez, Doria Gordon, Richard Hobbs, Alan Holt, Keith Hopper, Colin Hughes, Marcy LaHart, Roger Leakey, William Lee, Lloyd Loope, David Lorence, Svata Louda, Ariel Lugo, Peter McEvoy, David Richardson & Peter Vitousek - 1999 - BioScience 49 (8).
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    Liberty, Rationality, and Agency in Hobbes's Leviathan (review).S. A. Lloyd - 2002 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40 (3):397-398.
    S. A. Lloyd - Liberty, Rationality, and Agency in Hobbes's Leviathan - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40:3 Journal of the History of Philosophy 40.3 397-398 Book Review Liberty, Rationality, and Agency in Hobbes's Leviathan David van Mill. Liberty, Rationality, and Agency in Hobbes's Leviathan. Albany: The State University of New York Press, 2001. Pp. xii + 253. Cloth, $59.50. Paper, $19.95. David van Mill's provocative book is an ambitious and thoughtful argument by an author well-versed (...)
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    Modal Logics That Are Both Monotone and Antitone: Makinson’s Extension Results and Affinities between Logics.Lloyd Humberstone & Steven T. Kuhn - 2022 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 63 (4):515-550.
    A notable early result of David Makinson establishes that every monotone modal logic can be extended to LI, LV, or LF, and every antitone logic can be extended to LN, LV, or LF, where LI, LN, LV, and LF are logics axiomatized, respectively, by the schemas □α↔α, □α↔¬α, □α↔⊤, and □α↔⊥. We investigate logics that are both monotone and antitone (hereafter amphitone). There are exactly three: LV, LF, and the minimum amphitone logic AM axiomatized by the schema □α→□β. These (...)
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    Una crítica al ensayo de David Chalmers: “La matrix como metafísica”.Peter B. Lloyd - 2008 - Discusiones Filosóficas 9 (12):175-192.
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    When is a Schema Not a Schema? On a Remark by Suszko.Lloyd Humberstone & Allen Hazen - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (2):199-220.
    A 1971 paper by Roman Suszko, ‘Identity Connective and Modality’, claimed that a certain identity-free schema expressed the condition that there are at most two objects in the domain. Section 1 here gives that schema and enough of the background to this claim to explain Suszko’s own interest in it and related conditions—via non-Fregean logic, in which the objects in question are situations and the aim is to refrain from imposing this condition. Section 3 shows that the claim is false, (...)
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    Notice. Euripides Andromache. (The plays of Euripides.). M Lloyd.David Bain - 1997 - The Classical Review 47 (1):195-195.
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  48. Nature and Life: A review of Allan Gotthelf , "Aristotle on Nature and Living Things, Philosophical and Historical Studies Presented to David M. Balme on his Seventieth Birthday". [REVIEW]G. E. R. Lloyd - 1988 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 6:221.
  49.  11
    Taken by Design: Photographs From the Institute of Design, 1937-1971.David Travis & Elizabeth Siegel (eds.) - 2002 - University of Chicago Press.
    One of Chicago's great cultural achievements, the Institute of Design was among the most important schools of photography in twentieth-century America. It began as an outpost of experimental Bauhaus education and was home to an astonishing group of influential teachers and students, including Lázló Moholy-Nagy, Harry Callahan, and Aaron Siskind. To date, however, the ID's enormous contributions to the art and practice of photography have gone largely unexplored. Taken by Design is the first publication to examine thoroughly this remarkable institution (...)
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    Polarity and Analogy, Two Types of Argumentation in Early Greek Thought. By G. E. R. Lloyd. (Cambridge U.P., 1966. Pp. vi + 504. Price 84s./ $16.50). [REVIEW]David B. Robinson - 1968 - Philosophy 43 (165):288-.
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